1. Respect your fellow Vikings.
Do not ruin the fun for others.
2. Do not harass other players or use offensive or derogatory language.
Hate speech against any group regardless of gender, race, religion, or nationality is subject to immediate ban at the discretion of staff. General rudeness is against the rules. Posting nudity, or anything that is meant to be taken as vulgar/sexual is against the rules.
3. Do not steal, grief, destroy other peoples’ bases, etc.
Do not steal, grief, destroy other peoples’ bases, etc.
4. Do not use cheats, exploits, or modify your game in any way.
This means do not use mods, your game should be vanilla. 3rd party tools are also considered cheating.
5. Use of the map seed is considered cheating.
Use of the map seed is considered cheating. If you find the map seed out, or are provided the map seed, please report it to the Admin immediately!
6. If it’s not yours, don’t touch it.
Do not build/change anything on another person’s structure unless agreed upon with the other player. A sign that’s posted at an abandoned base that says Free or anything along those line does not count as consent(See Extended Rule #2). Do not touch any player-built structures or items that are not yours, even if they are not warded or are on the ground.
7. Do not engage in PvP unless agreed upon with other players.
Do not engage in PvP unless agreed upon with other players.
8. You agree that Jotunheim staff can change your Discord nickname to match your Viking name.
You agree that when you are added to the whitelist, you are permitting the admins to change your nickname to match your Viking name. You will only be able to connect with a character with that name.
9. The rules outlined below in the “Extended rules” section are considered part of the main server rules and failure to adhere to them can also result in a permanent ban.
The rules outlined below in the “Extended rules” section are considered part of the main server rules and failure to adhere to them can also result in a permanent ban.
10. You agree to respect the decisions of the server staff team, whatever they may be. This means being overly combative or rude to the server staff may result in a permanent ban.
You agree to respect the decisions of the server staff team, whatever they may be. This means being overly combative or rude to the server staff may result in a permanent ban.

1. What do I do if I find an island with X’s on the shore?
If you see an island surrounded by ‘X’ building pieces all along the coast, do not go there. Turn around and go somewhere else. Entering the island, building on it, or taking resources from that island without permission may result in a ban.
This also means you should not place X’s around anything to mark your territory.
This is an island that has been blocked for community event purposes. It may look like this:

2. I found an abandoned base, can I have it?
If there is a base you believe to be abandoned, you can use the #support-tickets channel to create a ticket with the details along with a screenshot of the base and the coordinates (press F5 and type ‘pos’).
You may not do anything to any abandoned base without first getting permission via a support ticket. Even if the owner of the base has told you you may have it, you must first reach out to us via a support ticket.
Failure to follow this process may result in you receiving a ban, as we will determine that you have stolen the base. We have tools to track down who the base belongs to, whether or not is truly abandoned, and can quickly destroy it or de-ward it as needed.
3. What do I do if I find a tombstone?
It is against the rules to loot or take items from anyone’s grave or tombstone regardless of your reason. The only exception to this rule is if you are specifically instructed to by a staff member or the player whose grave it is.
If you see a tombstone the first thing you should do is check to see if the owner is around and consider helping them get their stuff back. If not, leave it alone. You can try DMing the owner on Discord or you can let the staff know if you’re worried about protecting it. YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ‘PROTECT’ IT YOURSELF BY PUTTING IT IN A CHEST. If you feel that it is ugly or in a bad spot you can let the staff know via a support ticket and we can potentially clean it up. If you find any items that are suspect or cheat items, let a staff member know immediately via a support ticket.
Please use the #support-tickets channel to create a ticket. Removing items from a tombstone without permission counts as stealing and will result in a ban.
4. I found a Dungeon, Crypt, Cave, Draugr Village, Goblin Village, or Dvergr Town can I build on it?
No. Dungeons/Crypts/Caves/Villages are crucial to the progression of the game for newer players, and allowing others to build on them prevents access to key resources for new players. Do not build on, block off, or ward any of the above or future dungeons in any way. This includes large structures in the Mistlands.
A little sign or a chest to store some resources is fine, but anything far beyond that (like a walled structure) is against the rules. Please treat Troll Caves the same as a dungeon. Portals and other structures found on top of or within a wards distance (32m) of any of the above will be destroyed with or without notice and there will be no compensation. Repeat offenders will be banned.
Also note, all of the above mentioned things respawn automatically on this server at random intervals. When they are respawned, any player builds placed there will be destroyed and no resources will be left behind. You have been warned.
5. Can I resell items I buy from Haldor the Trader?
You are not allowed to sell/trade/gift any item that the NPC Haldor the trader is offering, therefore a player can only purchase those items from Haldor himself. Normally, most of these items are not even available until you have progressed and killed bosses yourself, but since the bosses have already been killed and it’s a server-wide thing, this is our best option to ensure equality. Please note that this extends to trading/gifting chickens as well.
As Ymir Flesh is used as an additional currency on our server, it is excluded from this rule.
6. What resources are safe for me to build on?
In general, you cannot build on or block access to any resource. In practice, what this means it that you cannot build on or block access to (with wards, walls, etc.) any of the following: Copper, Tin, Iron, Silver, Obsidian, Burial Chambers, Sunken Crypts, Draugr Villages, Fuling Camps, Troll Caves, Mountain Caves, Tar Pits, Dragon Eggs, Giant Bones, Giant Armor, and Giant Weapons. Regular rocks, trees, and Mistland Roots do not count towards this rule. Please note that any base or wards that break this rule will be destroyed and wiped without notice and there will be no base materials left behind.
Also note that this list may become outdated as the game updates with new resources, but it should be obvious from this list what is and isn’t allowed to be built on when you’re making decisions. Any action taken that prevents other players from accessing resources is considered a rule-breaking action and can result in a ban.
The only exception is if you are actively harvesting the resource yourself, then it is not a problem. However, you cannot block or hide a resource and then log off so you can harvest it later. If you’re ever unsure, just ask, and we can always update the rule!
7. I found a boat, can I use it?
Not without permission from the owner. Only the Karves provided at spawn are allowed to be taken. Those Karves are still limited to only one per player when you first start out on the server. Taking or using someone else’s boat is stealing and will be treated as such. Once you take a Karve from spawn, it is your Karve, and thus you cannot assume any other Karves are yours to take nor can you take another Karve from spawn.
Note that Karves can be broken down with the hammer and it’s encouraged that you do when you dock to prevent boat thefts.
8. I found some items on a table, like food, can I have it?
Not without permission from the owner. Taking or using someone’s food is stealing and will be treated as such.
9. I found a tamed boar/wolf/lox, can I take it with me?
This is completely and entirely against the rules and you should report any wandering animals by opening a support ticket. It is against the rules to have any animals (Wolf/Boar/Lox) that you did not tame yourself or purchase for the mandatory prices listed on the official server price list (pinned in the trading channel). You should not be using any tamed animals you haven’t earned yourself, for any reason.
If you do tame an animal, you should keep them confined to an enclosed space at your base, and not let them roam wild. It ruins the natural progression of the game to have 2 star wolves everywhere, so please keep this in mind. If you would like to sell/trade your tamed animals, you may do this as long as you follow the price guide pinned in the trading channel. New players should not have access to high level tamed animals without a steep price that takes a lot of effort to pay for, and for this reason we enforce the prices for this particular sale.
If an admin/moderator finds a random tamed animal roaming around it will be killed without warning.
10. There’s a bridge blocking my boat from passing through a river, can I destroy it?
In general, if a bridge is blocking a waterway from boats using it, you may make the bridge taller without permission from its owner. However you can’t just destroy the bridge and move on leaving a destroyed bridge behind. If there is a ward blocking you, let the staff team know. Feel free to use the #support-tickets channel to create a ticket. If you must break it, break only just enough to let a boat pass through, and try to leave the rest intact.
11. I can’t find the boss stones, where are they?
The boss power stones are intentionally hidden and not at the spawn. It is against the rules to share boss stone locations with other players. You are completely prohibited from trading for or revealing this information to new players, they must find it for themselves.
Once a player has beaten a boss they will need to bring the key item back to the portal hub and use the portal to arrive at the boss stone to receive the power.
This is to prevent new players instant access to late-game boss powers without having earned them. Boss altar locations (locations where you spawn and fight the boss) are allowed to be shared. Only the boss power locations (the stones with trophy heads) cannot be shared.
12. What happens to my stuff if I leave the server for a while?
You can disappear for up to 30 days without notice and your base will be safe. After 30 days, if you have not played, your base can be deleted and the terrain around it reset. If the base is determined at Admin discretion to be valuable for some purpose, it may be saved with all resources and materials deleted, just left as an empty beautiful art piece.
If you know you will be gone for longer than 30 days, please let us know. We will keep a record of all players who have notified us of an extended absence, and will not wipe their base. However, we can only hold a base for up to 90 days. Anything longer than that will require special permission that would only be granted for the most extreme circumstances. For any such situation where you expect to be gone longer than 30 days, please use the #support-tickets to create a ticket to inform the staff of all of your bases and when you expect to return. If you do not return as expected after the timeframe, your base will be forfeit.
13. Can I share/use cartography tables I find?
All cartography tables should be kept private and warded. These are not meant for public use, as our community is too large to have publicly accessible cartography tables. If you see an unwarded cartography table, please report it with a support ticket. This leads to a fully explored map with all locations marked (too many, for that matter) and can include sharing boss stone locations which is also against the rules. It can also ruin the experience for a player who happens to be curious and may not know how the table works. They would end up copying everything and ruin their experience.
Fortunately, if you do fall into that latter category, there is a command you can run. Press F5 to open the console and type “resetsharedmap”. All of the marks and shared map exploration received from a cartography table will be erased from your personal map.
To be clear, sharing the table with a group of friends who build together is fine, but building a public stall where everyone can copy all the info is not. We will in most circumstances destroy unwarded cartography tables without warning.
14. Can I build on a road? What about a bridge?
Building directly on or modifying existing roads without permission is against the rules and counts as modifying another player’s structure per rule 6. Building on bridges is also against the rules for the same reason. Please note that there may be a way to incorporate your base as an off-shoot of a road, but you will need permission to do this first. If you’re ever unsure, open a support ticket.
Many of the roads and bridges you see are built by the Admin team as infrastructure for the betterment of the community. If your base is built on or makes changes to a public road you may be requested to move or that section of your base may be deleted without warning. In extreme cases, this can also result in a ban.
15. Free Items & Gifting.
It is against the rules to provide free items to other players with the exception of the list below. This includes any “Free Items” chest or location/public structure where free resources are offered to new players. Just because you have reached end-game and don’t have anything else to do with all your resources, that does not mean you can just start giving them away to players for free.
Allowed Free Gear, Weapons, and Tools
Leather Helmet
Leather Tunic
Leather Pants
Deer Hide Cape
Stone Axe
Allowed Free Food
Deer Meat
Neck Meat
Boar Meat
Red Mushroom
Yellow Mushroom
Allowed Free Resources
Everything else is prohibited. With that being said, we would like to put additional emphasis on gifting Admin Shop items.
– Admin Shop items such as Vidar’s Hammer, Oath, etc. cannot be purchased for another player using your own funds or group funds. All Admin Shop items must be purchased with money earned by that player directly, and then the reward must go directly to that player. You may not gift Admin Shop items, but you can designate someone to purchase it for you with your own money if you are not able to attend an event where it is being sold.
– Admin Shop items such as Vidar’s Hammer, Oath, etc, can be given as a reward for an approved event. Submit a support ticket if you’d like to host or sponsor an official event. All events using an Admin Shop item as a reward must be approved by an Admin. A viking must have been on the server for 30+ days to qualify for such a reward.
16. Public Structures.
It is against the rules to have any crafting out in the open or easily accessible to new players, unless it appears on the “Allowed Crafting Stations” list below. Please note the “Disallowed” list is provided only for convenience, and may not include everything as the game is updated. Having any of these in a public structure, unwarded structure, or a base that has no walls is a violation of this rule. This rule exists for the sake of new players and the unintended consequences of having advanced crafting stations out in the open. Simply walking near them will result in a ton of unlocked recipes, and using them gives new players the ability to skip large parts of progression and cheapens the endgame.
Allowed Crafting Stations:
Workbench (up to lvl 3)
Cooking Station
Disallowed Crafting Stations:
Workbench lvl 4 and above
Iron Cooking Station
Charcoal Kiln
Blast Furnace
Artisan Table
Black Forge
Eitr Refinery
Galdr Table
Stone Oven
Spinning wheel
Wisp Fountain
17. Sign Rules.
When editing the text on a sign, the following rules apply:
– A sign cannot disturb another player. No sign should exceed the border or area of a base and should not be offensively targetting another player.
– A sign cannot be used in a disturbing/not-family friendly way.
– Any giant floating text that is significantly offset from a structure is not allowed. Text can be large, but it should be attached to the facade of a structure you built yourself.
– Signs and their text cannot interfere with the Viking theme of Valheim.
– A sign cannot be blocking or interrupting scenic view or the visibility of resources.
– A sign cannot be used as an exploit or to get an advantage over others.
– A sign cannot be used as a way to mark the borders of a base (such as by creating a floating circle or a painted circle on the ground).
– A sign cannot be used to cover a vast area on the ground if this area is not also surrounded with a fence.
– Creative uses of signs are allowed, so long as they are done tastefully and respect the theme of the game.
– Infractions of this rule will be at the discretion of the staff team, please respect their decisions.
Remember: If you are ever unsure about whether the way you want to use your sign is allowed, open a support ticket. All signs can undergo review by a staff member at any time to ensure compliance.
18. Ashlands.
Disclaimer: A “base” as mentioned in this post can be defined as a Base, House, Outpost, Hut, Portal Hut, Hovel, Home, etc. A base in Ashlands is considered to be any build-piece built by a player, with the exception of the pocket-portal rule below.
- Building in the Ashlands:
- Due to the limited space, players can build as many bases as they like, but only on the Ashlands spires that surround the coastline.
- Building permanent structures in the Ashlands is prohibited.
- Reason: Too much of the area needs to be able to respawn to fully experience the Ashlands, which will wipe out player builds.
- You can build on the spires off the coast, including a ramp down to the shore so you can get Asksvin onto the mainland.
- You are allowed to raise ground in the water only to keep tamed Asksvins due to them causing siege damage to spires if they are up there. The raised ground cannot be larger than the mini ward and is limited to a protective covering for the animals. No building off it besides to cover the animals for safety.
- This base must not block or ward any of the Ashlands resource nodes. Ashlands resources will also respawn randomly which will reset any builds nearby in the same way resources respawn in the Mistlands (you have been warned, there will be no compensation for lost materials). A portal hut counts as a base in the Ashlands.
- Public Portals:
- Public portals are not permitted in the Ashlands (includes inside of bases or as pocket portals). Only private or group portals may be used.
- Pocket Portals:
- A pocket portal is acceptable for *temporary* use while in the Ashlands, but must be removed when done.
- *Temporary means it cannot still be standing after you’ve logged out*
- A pocket portal is acceptable for *temporary* use while in the Ashlands, but must be removed when done.
Failure to comply with any of these rules could result in a ban. Builds of any kind that violate the above rules will be removed without warning or compensation.