So you want to be a Mod+ and/or an Admin.
Jotunheim has three paths for Mod+.
To become an admin you must complete all three paths
Tier 1: Nearly all moderators are eligible to apply. Below are the essential requirements for consideration for Mod+:
Minimum requirements to qualify for Mod+:
- Experience: 1 month minimum as a Moderator
- Activity: Logs into the game multiple times per week and engages in staff discussions on a regular basis
- Reliability: Trustworthy, learns from mistakes, and can be relied on to fulfill a task
- Interest: Has strong desire to help beyond standard Moderator duties, prioritizes what’s best for the server, and community
- Record: No past instances of rule-breaking, warnings, disrespect, or issues with other players/staff members
- You must be at end game when you apply.
Once you’ve met the requirements above and feel you have what it takes to be a Mod+.
These are the three paths you have to choose from, you can do multiple, but must master Tier III of a path before taking on another role.
Each path is a major pillar of what it means to be an admin. These are the skills, tasks, and duties needed to be ready for an Admin position.
Below are the Responsibilities a Vithar I, Valkyrie I, and Ullr I should focus on, the Commands that will be granted to do the work, and the Bare minimum requirements to advance from Tier I to Tier II.
Tier I can be considered “Safe Mode”, the commands granted to you at this tier are considered safer than others, but must still be handled with care and responsibility. We are going to allow many moderators to be in Tier I. It’s okay if you never advance beyond tier I. If this is as much as you want to help, there is nothing wrong with that. We appreciate any and all help you are willing to give. If you do want to help beyond Tier I, you must meet the bare minimum requirements listed below and maintain them to be able to apply for Tier II.
- Vithar I: (Safe Mode)
- Responsibilities:
- Land restoration in areas you can safely access
- Restore trees, copper, and rocks
- Report areas that require heavy resource restorations
- Report blocked resources
- Report abandoned shacks
- Commands:
- rrtu (w/o force)
- clearbeacons
- treevive
- whocreated
- rrtu (w/o force)
- Bare minimum requirements to advance to Vithar II:
- 1 Month as Vithar I
- Restore at least 5 areas per month
- 1 Ride Along with a Admin
- Responsibilities:
- Valkyrie I: (Safe Mode)
- Responsibilities:
- Assist Valkyrie gather data for ongoing investigations
- Observe and interact with Valkyrie to understand our processes
- Get the ball rolling on an investigation by gathering all the data you can, so a Valkyrie can step in, and immediately begin working the case.
- Commands:
- whocreated
- ff
- p inv
- p stat
- p skill
- Bare minimum requirements to advance to Valk II:
- 1 Month at Valk 1
- Open at least 6 investigations or assist with at least 10 Valk support tickets/investigations a month.
- Go on 5 investigation Ride Alongs with a Valk III
- Responsibilities:
Ullr I: (Safe Mode)- Responsibilities:
Help plan and schedule eventsRun Minor shop events (Beehive, HaldORE store, Serpent Hut, and Sealbreaker shops)Maintenance and reward chest refilling for server quests
- Commands
- Bare minimum requirements to advance to Ullr II:
1 Month at Ullr IPlan at least 4 minor or major event ever per monthRun at least 1 minor event per month
- Responsibilities:
So you’ve been accepted as a Tier II. Well done, we’re very proud of you, and grateful for your service to our community.
This is where you start wading into the deep end, and begin the full training process on how to be a Vithar, Valkyrie, and/or Ullr.
Just like Tier I, Tier II has the Responsibilities, Commands, and Bare minimum requirements needed to be considered for Tier III listed below.
These bare minimum requirements are not only your requirements to be considered for advancement, they are also the bare minimum requirements to stay at Tier II. If you do not meet them, you will revert back to a Tier I.
- VIthar II:
- Responsibilities:
- Land restoration in areas you can safely access
- Restore trees
- Restore copper, rocks, and silver
- Report and follow up with blocked resources
- Report abandoned shacks
- Commands:
- rrtu (w/o force)
- clearbeacons
- rr (w/o force)
- treevive
- whocreated
- ff
- showresetzones
- rrtu (w/o force)
- Bare minimum requirements to maintain Vithar II:
- 1 Month as Vithar II
- Restore at least 10 areas per month
- Report at least 8 Abandoned Bases per month OR check at least 3 areas per month for abandoned bases.
- 2 Ride Along with a Vithar III
- Responsibilities:
- Valkyrie II:
- Responsibilities:
- Same responsibilities as Valk I, plus visiting the site of the crime to gather additional evidence/ search bases.
- Commands:
- whocreated
- ff
- p inv
- p stat
- p skill
- lpi
- cpi
- showresetzones
- p tp
- noward
- shownames
- Bare minimum requirements to maintain Valk II:
- 1 Month as Valk II
- Complete Valk Training Program
- Open and complete at least 3 investigations a month solo.
- Responsibilities:
Ullr II:- Responsibilities:
Help plan and schedule eventsRun Minor shop events (Beehive, HaldORE store, Serpent Hut, and Sealbreaker shops)Maintenance and reward chest refilling for server questsSign up for and work at Minor and Major events
- Commands
ffp tp
- Bare minimum requirements to maintain Ullr II:
1 Month at Ullr IIPlan at least 5 minor or major event ever per monthRun at least 3 minor events per monthWork at least 2 major events per month
- Responsibilities:
Once you have met the bare minimum requirements above, you can apply for Tier III.
Just like Tier I & Tier II, Tier III has the Responsibilities, Commands, and Bare minimum requirements listed below.
These bare minimum requirements are what you must do to maintain your Tier III role. If you do not meet them, you will revert back to a Tier II.
If that happens, you can be re-considered for advancement back to Tier III, once you re-complete the Tier II requirements again.
This is where things get dangerous. These commands can cause a lot of damage if mishandled. With great power, comes great responsibility.
- Vithar III:
- Responsibilities:
- Land restoration across larger areas and islands
- Restore trees
- Restore copper, rocks, silver, and terraformed land
- Report and follow up with blocked resources
- Report and clear abandoned shacks
- Player rescue
- Commands:
- rrtu (w/force)
- clearbeacons
- tu
- rr (w/force)
- treevive
- whocreated
- ff
- showresetzones
- p tp
- noward
- fly
- no clip
- goto
- shift+click on the map to tp
- rrtu (w/force)
- Bare minimum requirements to maintain Vithar III:
- Restore at least 10 Islands per month
- Remove at least 10 Abandoned Bases per month OR check at least 5 areas per month for abandoned bases.
- Responsibilities:
- Valkyrie III:
- Responsibilities:
- Conduct full investigations solo with limited help.
- Commands:
- whocreated
- ff
- p inv
- p stat
- p skill
- lpi
- cpi
- showresetzones
- p tp
- noward
- shownames
- stealth
- fly
- no clip
- tp
- goto
- shift+click on the map to tp
- discord position log channel access
- Bare minimum requirements to maintain Valk III:
- Open and complete at least 5 investigations a month.
- Responsibilities:
Ullr III:- Responsibilities:
Help plan and schedule eventsRun Minor shop events (Beehive, HaldORE store, Serpent Hut, and Sealbreaker shops)Maintenance and reward chest refilling for server questsRun Major shop events like Popup Shop & PvP Events (Siege, Arena, Thor’s Chariot, and Counter-Strike)Sign up for and work at Minor and Major events
- Commands
ffflightnoclipgotoshift+click on map to tpp tptpnowardAccess to Server Warehouse
- Bare minimum requirements to maintain Ullr III:
Plan at least 6 minor or major event ever per monthRun at least 5 minor events per monthRun at least 1 Major event per monthWork at least 2 major events per month
- Responsibilities:
Once you reach all bare minimum requirements for your current tier, if you’re interested in helping more, you can apply for another Mod+ role, skipping directly to Tier II of that new role. Training will be much shorter in this phase of your progression since we will only need to train you on the role specific practices and procedures. Many of the skills you learned from your previous role will carry over to the next.
Once you have mastered all 3 Mod+ roles, you have now met the bare minimum requirements to be considered for Admin.